Why Should You Consider an Orthodontist for Your Whitening Treatments?
- Improve Aesthetics: Invisalign can straighten your teeth, giving you a phenomenal smile.
- Prevent Dental Issues: Crowded or shifted teeth can cause dental problems like tooth fractures and cavities if there are hard-to-clean areas of your mouth. Straightening your teeth can improve access to those areas and prevent future problems, saving you time, pain, and money.
- Enhance Function: If your teeth don’t line up properly, you can have problems chewing, talking, or even breathing. Fixing your alignment can improve airflow, tongue position, and occlusal biting patterns, improving function and making your life easier.
- Increase Comfort and Reduce Pain: Misaligned teeth can affect the pressure distribution on your teeth and jaw muscles when you eat or speak. By fixing your alignment, you can prevent muscle pain and potential chipping to your teeth and future pain.